

The AQPMC Board of Directors plays an important leadership and oversight role in the activities of the organization and may form or merge committees for specific purposes or activities. Each counselor is responsible for his or her own committee.

Outgoing President
Professional Affairs Counselor
Quality Assurance and Radiation Safety Counselor
Science and Education Counselor
Communications Counselor
Professional Affairs Committee
Quality Assurance and Radiation Safety Committee
Science and Education Committee
Communications Committee
Chief Physicists Sub-Committee
Radiation Safety Sub-Committee
Student Sub-Committee
Imaging Sub-Committee
Quality Assurance Sub-Committee
Residents Sub-Committee
Negotiations Sub-Committee

The standing committees of the AQPMC are the Professional Affairs Committee, the Communication Committee, the Science and Education Committee and the Quality Assurance and Radiation Safety Committee. Their chairs are the Professional Affairs Counselor, the Communication Counselor, the Science and Education Counselor, and the Quality Assurance and Radiation Safety Counselor, respectively.


Professional Affairs Committee

The Professional Affairs Committee shall advise the Board of Directors on all matters of professional affairs, including union affairs, labor and ethics.


Science and Education Committee

The Science and Education Committee shall advise the Board of Directors on all matters of science and education, including training activities.


Communications Committee

The Communications Committee shall advise the Board of Directors on the use of the website and social media and communication with the membership and the public.


Quality Assurance and Radiation Safety Committee

The Quality Assurance and Radiation Safety Committee shall advise the Board of Directors on quality assurance matters in the various areas of medical physics and radiation safety.

Each standing committee has written terms of reference approved by the Board of Directors. Their members are appointed by the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors may form special committees or task forces for specific purposes or activities. The special committee will be appointed by the Board of Directors for a term of one to three years with no predefined end, while the task force will have a defined mandate and end (e.g. dissolution of the group upon completion of the mandate).

The President of the AQPMC is a member of each committee from the outset.