Medical physicists are health care professionals who have specialized training in the medical applications of physics. Their work involves the safe use of x-rays, radioactive materials, ultrasound, magnetic and electric fields, radio frequency waves, infrared and ultraviolet waves, heat and lasers for diagnostic and therapeutic applications.
The attached document describes the scope of practice for medical physicists to work in the clinical environment. The document adopted by the AQPMC Board of Directors is the one written by the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists (COMP).
The Code of Ethics establishes the general ethical principles of the AQPMC members. It assists the medical physicist in making informed decisions and taking ethically appropriate actions.
The university hospital centers of Quebec are very active in the field of medical physics research. The research activities cover various subjects, from the development of radiation detectors to image analysis tools and the development of processing techniques, thus touching several sectors of medical physics on current topics that can be discussed at international conferences.