
The association

The AQPMC is a dynamic association representing the interests of medical physicists working in hospitals towards the various stakeholders in the health sector, including the government. Thus, the AQPMC is the only association that can negotiate the working conditions of medical physicists with the Ministry of Health and Social Services. This activity has led to several working agreements.

In addition to its representation to the government, the AQPMC organizes a series of training and dissemination activities. The annual meeting, usually held in the fall, allows for exchanges between colleagues from different hospitals. Since 2004, we have been organizing one-day working sessions in the fall on various topics (IMRT, planning systems, medical imaging, radiation protection, new technologies, brachytherapy, etc.). These activities attract both clinical medical physicists and students from various training programs in the province.

The association maintains ties with the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists (COMP) and several of our members are also members of the Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine (CCPM). The association is therefore solicited to proceed with the analysis of the situation of the medical physics workforce, to issue recommendations on standards of practice in our environments and various other documents both at the provincial and Canadian levels (CNSC, CAPCA, CPQR and others). The objectives of the AQPMC are:


To study, defend and develop the economic, social and moral interests of its members


To promote the exchange of scientific and technical information related to the science and practice of medical physics


To assist in the development and protection of professional standards in the field of medical physics


To promote in Quebec the importance of certification by the Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine (CCPM), and to encourage members of the AQPMC to become certified by the CCPM